Feature #1872 2006-02-24 00:59


Multiple dialogs per file

Currently, wxSmith deletes everything after the first dialog in an XRC. It is not a big issue, but it already hit us twice in two days :)

I am used to create and edit XRC in notepad, and I normally put many of them into one file. On the other hand, Yiannis uses wxSmith for everything. So, suddenly we have an application crash because a few dialogs are mysteriously gone ;)

Could wxSmith be modified to handle more than one dialog per file?

Don't put too much hassle into it, we've put every dialog into a separate file now, so it works :)

Close date
2007-01-23 21:54
Assigned to
byo 2007-01-23 21:54

Done in new wxSmith :)