Feature #1819 2006-02-20 20:08


export/import settings

The way to export/import the C::B settings are different, bugy, not implemented, ... and dempends on the OS.

1. There must be a os-independet way of storing settings. (under win98se there is use of the registry. *arg*)

1.a maybe the default.conf under unix?

2. Then there is a way (one way!) to export and import the settings.

Close date
2006-02-20 20:34
Assigned to
thomasdenk 2006-02-20 20:34

As explained in the forum, this is a RC2 "feature" which is outdated. Registry does not play a role in the current development release (and all future releases).

No development in that direction will take place, as Code::Blocks is using an xml-based configuration system on all platforms since the beginning of November. This configuration system (as has been explained in the forum thread, too) has an entirely different structure, so there is no way to port settings from RC2 to current.
