Bug #9824 2006-12-26 09:41


Icons trouble (incorrect icons)

It started with this reply in the forum : "The toolbar "search" & "replace" image is same! but not same in menu image".

After some investigation there seem to be several things not correct.

1) the image [22x22] for replace is NOT correct, that is images/searchreplace.png

if you compare it with images/16x16/searchreplace.png, the paper and the R is missing

Note that in the menu the correct png is shown (apparantely the 16x16)

I have checked that in MainFrame::CreateToolbars() the member m_SmallToolBar is true (since I have in Settings->Environment->View : Toolbar icons size : 16x16 - Small), and it is true. So that part is OK.

However when we look at the toolbar we see 2 bugs appearing at once :

2) the replace button is not the intended one, although in MainFrame::CreateToolbars() we got as value for 'xrcToolbarName' : main_toolbar_16x16 and the main_toolbar_16x16.xrc correctly refers to "<bitmap>images/16x16/searchreplace.png</bitmap>"

3) that replace button we see is identical to the find one, meaning the 'page' is also there ! [When we switch to 22x22 in the settings, and restart CB, we get the icon without the R and without the page (as mentioned in bug1)]

4) just a question : why do we provide the images twice [I am not talking about 16x16 and 22x22] ? We provide them once in the "share/CodeBlocks/images" directory and once in "share/CodeBlocks/resources.zip" ???

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killerbot 2007-01-17 20:13

the first part has been fixed.

rhf 2007-05-04 20:37

A similar incorrect icon appears in the Debug popup menu. The icon for "Next instruction Alt-F7" is different from the "Next instruction" icon shown on the Debugger toolbar.