Bug #9641 2006-12-06 14:08


Code Folding Expand Missing

An interesting bug has occurred when I played around with code folding. It is not a major crash bug just maybe a visual/functional bug. Okay so I enabled all three code folding options (including Fold preprocessor commands) now I enabled this and enabled that code folding needs to fold everything at startup. Okay… exit and restart your project that even your header pre-processor (#ifndef _HEADER_H) is basically the only visible line( that and end of line) Now… go to settings and disable the Fold Pre-Processor tab in folding without opening up the folded _HEADER_H part… when you have done that (clicked OK) the two lines stil stay there and you can not go within the Pre-Processor part.

I Have a picture of this at :http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php?topic=4643.0

Close date
2006-12-15 09:05
Assigned to
killerbot 2006-12-15 09:05

fixed : revision 3380