Bug #9311 2006-10-31 08:36


Cyrillic text (UTF-8) editing problem

OS: Gentoo Linux (amd64)

Code::Blocks version 1.0 revision 3158 gcc 4.1.1 Linux/unicode

I write some programm and want to use russian comments. My system LANG environment variable equals to ru_RU.UTF-8. And default encoding in editior settings is UTF-8.

I can write simple comments without using special keys (cursor control keys, backspace, etc). But when I press special key, then I unable to enter any cyrillic text. To fix it I can change keyboard layout to en_US and backward to ru_RU or enter some ASCII symbols (like digits, commas, dots, etc). After it keyboard unlocks and I can enter cyrillic text again.

Simple way to reproduce:

1. Check settings of editor (encoding must be UTF-8)

2. Open any project

3. Open any file in project

4. Add new line to the file

5. Change keyboard layout to ru_RU and write "//aaa" ('a' - cyrillic equivalent)

6. Using backspace only remove "aaa" from this line

7. Try to enter any cyrillic letter.

Close date
2007-10-31 16:51
Assigned to
biplab 2007-10-31 16:51

Please try with a latest nightly (Rev. 4565 onwards). Thanks for your feedback.

b-s-a 2007-11-01 19:54

I try it. Bug is not fixed.

biplab 2007-11-04 04:39

Ok. I've reopened the bug report.