Bug #9149 2006-10-16 21:35


Mac OS X: new wxFlatNotebook doesn't work

The tabs are gone (almost), and if you venture into dragging something around as windows there are a lot of drawing bugs - "striped pattern".

So the current wxFlatNotebook 2.1 (rev 3094) is not usable on wxMac.

Close date
2006-11-01 16:15
Assigned to
afb 2006-10-25 19:31

Patch to wxFNB upstream, let's see how it works out.

The striping pattern is some kind of alpha fade feature,

that went very wrong in the wxMac version it seems...

killerbot 2006-10-26 15:37

should be fixed, could you check ?

afb 2006-10-26 15:45

Think I fixed most of the major wxFlatNotebook 2.1 bugs...

The dragging bug was still in rev3146, but that's "extra" ?

Will test again this weekend, and do a "nightly" Mac build.

afb 2006-10-30 07:33

This bug is still alive... Windows fail to refresh, on wxMac (shows white)

afb 2006-11-01 16:15

Works OK in rev3164, wxFNB fixed upstream.