Bug #9036 2006-10-07 16:33


debug session opens already opened files

problem: Whenever I start debugging session, Code::Blocks opens a copy of each file in which breakpoints has been set.

steps to reproduce:

1. Create a new console application project (using C languadge for example).

2. Set breakpoint to line printf("Hello, world!\n");

3. Run debug session.

As result, a new tab with copy of main.c has been created. It seems like that problem only presents in linux version of codeblocks (built from SVN without any third party patches).

revision 3026, linux/unicode, gcc 4.1.1

Close date
2007-06-17 05:37
Assigned to
killerbot 2006-12-24 11:24

do you still have this problem with a recent build ??

zero-one 2006-12-24 14:22

Yes, problem is still here..

biplab 2007-06-17 05:37

Please try with a nightly build and reopen this bug report, if


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