Bug #8951 2006-09-30 09:41


std::vector parsing error

Nightly build bug:

I would like to report 2 bugs with the codecompletion component:

* Doesn't parse std::vector class

If you included <vector> and type "std::" , it will come up with all the std associated stuff but type in "vector" and it won't be found. Looks like its only "vector" that it is not finding. Otherwise, all the other classes and includes are parsed (as far as I know).

* Gives wrong member item because of it.

I have the following structure for an OpenGL project:


struct block_info_t


float tex_u; /** X-coord on Texture */

float tex_v; /** Y-coord on Texture */

float x1; /** Top Left X-coord in World */

float z1; /** Top Left Z-coord in World */

float x2; /** Bottom Right X-coord in World */

float z2; /** Bottom Right Z-coord in World */

float sec_width; /** How wide is this block? */

float sec_height; /** How long is this block? */

float one_over_width; /** Cached for vertex shader */

float one_over_height; /** Cached for vertex shader */

float scale_val; /** Scale value of this block */

int lod_val; /** LOD level of this block */

int vertex_count; /** Amount of verticies in this block */

GLuint gl_buf_id; /** OpenGL Buffer ID reference for block */



Now I have the following declaration of it:


std::vector<block_info_t> mClipmap[LEVELS];


If I type:


it puts a '0' afterwards like so:


Hope this is useful.

Close date
Assigned to
ollydbg 2012-03-16 12:25

The first bug should be fixed.

The second bug still exist.