Bug #8916 2006-09-28 10:11


Class from wxSmith not parsed correctly


I have noticed that CodeCompletion is not working as it should. I have set it to "active project symbols". When I create new frame with wxSmith it doesn't appear on active project list. Instead it is added to "all project symbols". Even re-parsing doesn't help.


Windows XP sp2

C::B rev2995 26.09.2006

Close date
2010-10-16 02:06
Assigned to
mandrav 2006-09-28 12:52

If you close and re-open the project, does it work?

phoenixpl 2006-09-28 13:12

Let me explain this farther. I didn't notice it before, but it happens only when I have already open project with exactly the same class name.

So if you have project one with CTestFrame and you have currently active second project without this class as soon as you will try to add CTestFrame created by wxSmith it doesn't appear on the list.

I need to close both projects and re-open the one that I'm interested in.

Sorry for my previous explanation.

byo 2007-08-13 21:41

Looks like changes made by wxSmith doesn't cause code::completion to reparse files. Currently only saving files forces the reparse.

Mandrav: is there any way to notify cc about change of sources ?

loaden 2010-10-16 02:06

This bug has been already fixed in HEAD.

Thank you.