Bug #8831 2006-09-18 14:30


[New Header File Wizzard] Width/height issues.

When you selecte File->New->File and you select the "Header File", the "C/C++ Header Wizzard" that popups is too small to fit the controls, only if the welcome page of the wizzard is disabled. The problem is tha the window is not resizable and you have to play blindly with tab to find the rest of the controls:

There is a forum thread with some screenshoots:




1. Select from menu File->New->File.

2. Select Header file.

3. Check the "Skip this page next time", and press Next

4. Close wizzard by pressing cancel.

5. Select again File->New->File and Header file

The window now is smaller and doesn't fit all the controls of the wizzard.

Close date
2007-07-03 08:45
Assigned to
sque 2006-09-18 14:35

Forgot to mention that reported to happen on windows and linux.

mandrav 2006-09-28 09:33

Hmm, can't reproduce it. Does it still persist?

sque 2006-09-28 10:07

For me it still exists at Ubuntu with 25's sept build. But does not and never did before at windows.

mortenmacfly 2006-11-09 16:35

Sorry, but I cant' reproduce. Any additional information? Does it

still persist?

sque 2006-11-15 23:15

Ok I managed to found what's the problem!

1st of all I am using a new clean ubuntu 6.10 with (almost) default settings and I just downloaded the svn 3222 revision in .deb file. And the problem still exists. BUT, If I go at the gnome menu->prefernce->fonts->details press advanced and change dpi from 96 (the default) to 72 (I think that's the window default) the new header form now is large enough. So I think it needs a check for DPI issues.