Bug #8673 2006-09-04 15:01


Insert->All Class methods without implementation

3 Bugs, perhaps quite difficult to describe.

I added in a header file two methods and went into the implementation file and used "Insert->All Class methods without implementation" in the popup menu. In the Selection box it showed me even alread implemented methods (bug 1), if deselected all and choose one not implemented, the stub for the first shown method in the selection box was inserted, even if it was already implemented (bug2)

while writing this i tried it once more and now he shows me only the true not implemented functions.

bug 3 is part of the code generation. one of the functions returns a typedef´ed type declared in the base class context but in the generated code only the typename is written without the prefixed class, which won´t work. if the member type is a parameter, it works correct.

for example

void KlasseB::FunktionA(KlasseA::DatenTyp &dummy)

will be correctly generated while

KlasseA::DatenTyp KlasseB::FunktionB()

won´t be generated

Close date
Assigned to
mandrav 2006-09-08 10:55

This feature is not yet complete.