Bug #8629 2006-08-31 13:05


Filename not correctly refreshed in status bar


I have noticed a very small cosmetic bug (but a little bit confusing).

Here is the way to reproduce it.

- Create or open a project

- Open at least two files (or more)

- Clic on any tab in order to activate the file and have a look on the status bar (on the bottom left) => you can see its name (normal)

Now, switch between files by using Ctrl+Tab => The name of the file in the status bar does not change.

That's all.

I hope you could fix it.

Thanks and have a nice day.

Close date
2006-10-16 09:44
Assigned to
dermeister 2006-09-13 20:31

I think is an issue of wxFlatNotebook. It is derived from wxPanel and uses this class for handling Ctrl+Tab. (At least I think so as I did not find any code related to this keys in the source and wxFlatNotebookBase passes the wxTAB_TRAVERSAL style to wxPanel.)

To solve this wxFlateNotebook probably has to handle Ctrl+Tab itself (maybe using the default behaviour of wxPanel, too, if this is possible) and create an wxEVT_COMMAND_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED event as it does if the pages are changed by clicking on the tabs.

dermeister 2006-10-14 21:38

This bug report can be closed. The problem described here is fixed in the current version of wxFlatNotebook.

(I just tested it with Code::Blocks revision 3083 and the problem does not appear anymore.)

skirby 2006-10-16 08:54

I can confirm.

Now it works very well.

Thanks and have a nice day.

ID_22044 2006-10-16 09:44

Also tested with 3091. I closed this one.