Bug #8187 2006-07-24 15:24


Application crash on RAD editing

I'm trying to create a wxFrame with couple of sizers and controls. Basically here are the stepst to recreate crash:

1. sizer1 - Main sizer added to wxFrame with vertical orientation.

2. panel1 - Added to sizer1 with marked expand .

3. sizer2 - Added after panel1. Both proportion and expend marked. Horizontal orientation

4. custom1 - Custom control (blank for now) added to sizer2. Size changed to 800x600. Marked both proportion and expand.

5. panel2 - Added behind custom1 in sizer2 with marked expend.

6. sizer3 - Added to panel1.

7. button1 - Added to sizer3. No changes.

8. statictext1 - Added after button1 to sizer3. Right now C::B is crashed.

I have tried this couple of times and sometimes I'm able to add spacer between button and statictext, but in most attempts I'm not able. I have attached crash raport.

system: Windows XP sp2 - winXP look

computer: P4 3GHz, 512MB RAM

C::B - nightly build 1.0 revision 2778 (wx2.6.3 unicode, windows)


Close date
2007-03-27 19:14
Assigned to
byo 2007-03-27 19:14

Please try with a nightly build and reopen this bug report, if


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