Bug #8161 2006-07-22 01:50


Save move cursor (easy to fix?)

1. Create a new empty line in the source file.

2. Press TAB like 4-5 times.

3. Press CTRL-S to save it.

4. Voila, the cursor moves to column 0 (left-most position).

5. Doh.

Close date
2006-09-08 11:36
Assigned to
mnemo 2006-07-22 02:09

Yea and btw, I got this using july 21 nightly.

kreso 2006-07-27 11:40

yeah, this is very irritating. I'm amongst those people who save every 10 seconds

dermeister 2006-07-29 16:19

When you save your file unnecessary whitespaces are removed. The result is that the cursor can not stay at the old position if there were whitespaces deleted before it. I think this is correct behaviour and should stay as it is. Even if it might be irritating in some situations.

mandrav 2006-09-08 11:36

Settings->Editor->Strip trailing blanks.