Bug #8071 2006-07-04 17:36


Autotools Build Files not Updated to Remove Angle Script

The autotools build files need to be updated to remove all angel script references and compile the scripting directory instead. This is r2763.

Here is the bootstrap error:

src/sdk/Makefile.am:1: required directory src/sdk/as does not exist

configure.in:190: required file `src/sdk/as/Makefile.in' not found

Close date
2006-07-05 13:03
Assigned to
mandrav 2006-07-05 13:03

This is not a bug.

We were in the middle of replacing a good part of the SDK. What did you expect? Everything should happen in a split second?

Next time, please show some patience in relevant cases...

game_ender 2006-07-05 15:08

Sorry about that, I wasn't trying to be impatient I just didn't see any mention of it anywhere on the forums or the commit notes. I thought you might have missed the files in the merge or something similar to that.