Bug #8018 2006-06-29 13:50


Code Completion Errors

When I am near the right side of the screen, the code completion pop-up is partially outside the screen viewport. The result is that I only see the left portion of the functions available for the object I'm working on. (I'll try to put a screen shot on the Code::Blocks homepage.)

Also, if the code completion pop-up is visible, and I change applications (click on the TaskBar, for example), the code completion pop-up stays on top and is always present regardless of the application I'm working in. It stays until I switch back to Code::Blocks and remove it through normal processes.

Close date
2006-08-12 10:51
Assigned to
ID_30721 2006-08-08 15:52


If the pop-up is visible, and I change documents within code::blocks, it stays visible until I return to the document in question and close it there. Since I often compile when the pop-up is still visible, this can get quite annoying since the document usually switches to some document showing compiler messages.

mandrav 2006-08-12 10:51

About the first part of your report, we can't do much because we don't control where the list pops-up. It's always near the caret.

The second part is now fixed.