Bug #7966 2006-06-22 17:28


Project Build options dialog fails to load details

If I get to the project build options dialog by project selected in project tree right click->build options or via the project->build options menu, I don't see the settings that I see if I do project->properties, then click on project's build options.

Close date
2006-07-01 17:24
Assigned to
killerbot 2006-06-29 21:35

which version of CB are you using and which OS ?

On my system this works ok.

Nightly based upon rev 2640.

Can you provide a test project where things are different, please describe what's different then, so we can use that test project to debug.

bryceman 2006-06-29 21:43

I was using 6-15 nightly, now 6-29 nightly reproduces it as well. Is this specific to my project? It's a virgin wxSmith project.

bryceman 2006-06-29 21:45

I don't see a way to attach my project to this bug. am I missing something?

killerbot 2006-06-30 21:30

in case you can attach here, just create an entry in the forum and refer to the bug (and maybe in here refer to the post in the forum);

In the forum you can attach.

please do not forget to describe what's different, you could even attach screenshot in the zipfile containing the test project.

bryceman 2006-06-30 23:52
killerbot 2006-07-01 17:24

so this was not a bug.

Your screencast showed that in one case you were looking at the project settings, and in the other one at the target settings.

The only thing I could say is, that in your demonstration you should have ended up twice in the settings of the project and not one time in the target settings. I'll try to look into this latter issue, but that's for another bugreport ;-)

bryceman 2006-07-03 15:25

OK, now I finally see my confusion...

My point now is going to be that this UI is really confusing. Why shouldn't the target reflect the inherited options of the project? I guess they'd need to be greyed out and un-editable, but then that would just be a different place for the confusion. Why do I get the default target's build options when I right-click->build options? I right-clicked a project, not a target. I can see that there probably are instances in which target-specific build options are necessary, but it seems like there's no reason for me to even know about them unless I have more than one target in a project. It seems to me that the "default" target options should be hidden until they are relevant (there exists more than one target). Additionally, it is a pretty confusing UI to have two ways of accessing the same dialog with no discernable context to differentiate them.