Bug #7791 2006-06-08 16:26


not able to handle blanks

Sometimes I wrote a line/call with blanks in it because it is more readable.

This line


would be written like this

[code]pSourceCtrl_ ->SetValue(rTask_.GetSource());[/code]

Understand the difference?

I write this part "pSourceCtrl_ ->SetV". After the 'V' the code completition runs.

In the first case everything is right!

In the second case the code completition freeze the hole C::B for some seconds and then show nothing to choice.

Maybe code completition does not like my blanks before the ->?

Close date
2006-08-16 11:39
Assigned to
moonkid 2006-06-08 17:00

It is very hard do read the code of the codecompletition plugin because there is no source-intern doc! It is unprofessional!

I am not able to build C::B SVN because there is a CVS wxWidgets in my environment, etc.

But I read the code and found something in /src\plugins\codecompletion\codecompletion.cpp . Please look at Line 382. There should be the point.

I tried to get deeper in the code but it is very hard because of the Scintilla thing. There is no complet doc about it. What is it? It looks like something like a text-ctrl? It looks like a wxWidget component but I found nothing about it in the current (CVS & contribCVS) wxWidgets docs. The header does not describe something about that.

mandrav 2006-08-12 11:28

Fixed but not yet commited.

Oh, and thank you for your kind and encouraging words :/