Bug #7697 2006-05-31 12:00


new project with wxWidgets wizard

when using the wxWidgets project application generation wizard i found two bugs

1. the target type was set to "console application" instead of a "GUI application"

2. the precompiled header file wx_pch.h is invoked by the compiler option "-include wx_pch.h"

but the file isn't set to be compiled, therefore no precompiled header file is generated and not used.

my used settings:

* Create "Debug" configuration

* Use wxWidgets DLL, monolithic library, unicode

* Create and use PCH

Compiler GCC

Close date
2006-07-06 17:43
Assigned to
mandrav 2006-07-06 17:43

Point 1: this is deliberate. The "Debug" target runs as a console app to allow for debugging messages to show up (e.g. printf and friends). The "Release" target runs as a normal GUI app.

Point 2: fixed.