Bug #7337 2006-05-01 06:54


Copy/Paste bug

if you paste text from clipboard to file it doesn't save to the file is this know bug

i try it several time before posting

Close date
2006-05-09 11:50
Assigned to
thomasdenk 2006-05-01 08:20

Please provide the svn revision number (preferrably the complete

build information) with *every* bug report.

The complete build information is automatically copied to the

clipboard if you click the "Report a bug" link or the revision

string on the "Start Here" page.

Without accurate information, we are unable to reproduce and

address bugs.

thomasdenk 2006-05-01 08:23

Also, I do not understand the problem.

You are saying you copy text from the clipboard to a file, does that mean you copy from some other application into a Code::Blocks editor window?

Is the question about text appearing in an editor, or is it really about *saving* the file?

mandrav 2006-05-09 11:50

Please describe your problem better. What you 're saying doesn't make any sense to me.

Feel free to re-open this bug report if you have something more to add.