Bug #7201 2006-04-20 10:10


Pre/Post build steps skipped

When project is set to use a custom Makefile, Pre-build and post-build steps are not executed.

Version: 1.0 revision 2360

Build Apr 18 2006, 20:33:06 - wx2.6.2 (Windows, unicode)

Close date
2006-05-09 12:01
Assigned to
mandrav 2006-05-09 12:01

You are using a custom makefile. What makes you think that C::B should jump right in (which is not possible) and run commands right before/after a target builds?

When you 're using custom makefiles, add you pre/post build steps in that makefile. You override C::B's build system so you can't ask C::B to do anything in that case...

The way I see it, the actual bug here is that the pre/post build steps page in the compiler dialog should be disabled while they're not.

Bug fixed.