Bug #6897 2006-03-27 22:37


Abysmal performance when editing files

For some reason, Code::Blocks' performance in editing files is really pathetic. When I'm just moving the cursor around, the X server takes 70-90% of CPU time and C::B itself another 30-40% (I have a dual CPU system). This sounds like excessive redraws to me, although the cursor position on screen only updates at 5fps or so.

In comparison, the GtkSourceView component only takes 10% of CPU time for the same task, with the X server taking about 5% and the cursor moving smoothly.

I'm not totally sure whether this is a problem of Code::Blocks or wxScintilla, but I'm inclined to think that the Scintilla developers, having a much narrower scope, would have noticed this kinds of problems.

Close date
2006-03-30 19:23
Assigned to
tdb 2006-03-27 23:04

Oh, and I'm using Linux (Debian unstable) and Code::Blocks revision 2264.

mandrav 2006-03-30 19:23

The chain is like this:

scintilla -> wxGTK -> wxScintilla -> Code::Blocks.

In C::B we just *use* the component. The problem, quite likely, is in wxGTK. IIRC the wxGTK-2.6.3 changelog mentioned "improved gtk rendering by minimizing redraws", or something like that...

In short: I don't see this behaviour, not in this extent you 're describing, and unfortunately there's not much we can do about it.