Bug #6749 2006-03-11 08:41


SaveAs filter not working for C/C++

Using CB nightly build 2170 and Windows XP SP2 I am

observing the following bug.

In the SaveAs Dialog (got from NewFile Icon button in the toolbar, for example) using the file filter for C/C++

extension no file are displayed. The existing *.c *.h *.cpp *.hpp are not displayed.

Using the All File filter the C/C++ file are displayed.

Close date
2006-03-13 10:29
Assigned to
killerbot 2006-03-12 21:21

I tried out the same with D files (.D), they also did not show up. Another thing I tried : in the file list part of the dialog : tight click and create new text document --> it never becomes visible. Updating problem ??

Though the all files does work.

ID_24639 2006-03-13 01:03

I can confirm. I have no idea at present why this happens though.....

ID_24639 2006-03-13 02:22

Ok I found out why this doesn't work I think. The masks are seperated by commas instead of semicolons.


"BMP and GIF files|*.bmp,*.gif"

When it should be:

"BMP and GIF files|*.bmp;*.gif"

mandrav 2006-03-13 10:29

This bug is now fixed in HEAD.

Thank you for reporting it.