Bug #19329 2014-03-15 07:47
I am a very new programmer who has recently started to learn C++. I use Code::Blocks for programming, but I receive this error each time I run Code::Blocks:
Current compiler doesn't have correctly defined debugger!
Running startup script
Script plugin registered: Find Broken plugin
Script/function 'edit_startup_script.script' registered under menu '&Settings/-Edit startup script'
I am running the software on Kubuntu 13.10
The Plugin Errors were a lot more at first, but the main problem remained: it didn't & doesn't build! I have to build via another IDE (Geany) & get back to run!
What should I do? Please help me.
- Category
- Plugin::Any
- Group
- Platform:Linux
- Status
- Open
- Close date
- Assigned to