Bug #19135 2013-09-29 19:37


missisupport for wx_mac & wx_osx in configure.in

I was confused by the fact that when compiling Code::Blocks against wxGTK (wx_gtk2u) hunspell was properly found, while it wasn't when compiling against Carbon or Cocoa-based wxWidgets.

I now realized that the following code in configure.in:


case $WX_BASENAME in



completely misses the part for "wx_osx_cocoau" (the basename in case of Cocoa-based wxWidgets 2.9) and lacks options in case of Carbon-based wxWidgets 2.8 (I don't have that system at hand at the moment to report the exact basename, but it falls under "*wx_mac*)").

In particular I miss the test for pkg-config and the test for


I don't know how MouseSap or NassiShneiderman works (it compiles if I enable the plugins under wx_mac or wx_osx) and I don't have the dependencies of FileManager (gamin; trying to compile with FileManager always fails, so I never try to enable it), but Hunspell fails while I see no reason why it shouldn't work when the library is available.

As far as wx_mac is concerned, personally I don't have /Developer/Tools/Rez or /Developer/Tools/SetFile available and I have no clue what those four lines do anyway.

Configuring Code::Blocks with wxWidgets 2.9 ends up with

checking for wxWidgets platform... other

See also https://trac.macports.org/ticket/40390 and http://trac.macports.org/ticket/40389.

PS: configure.in should be called configure.ac

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