Bug #18792 2012-11-13 10:10


brace completion and auto-indentation broken since svn 8549

Since svn 8549 (last known good version is svn 8500), auto-indentation no longer works (despite being enabled in the settings) and brace completion behaves poorly (always adds a closing brace whenever you type an opening one with no concern to the style settings or whether there's text following on the same line (i.e. when it definitely shouldn't add one)).

Close date
2012-11-20 05:15
Assigned to
mortenmacfly 2012-11-14 10:02

Are you sure you have all needed plugins installed? I.e. the SmartIndent plugins?

Did you do a clean install of the nightly, so the old plugins are no longer available?

athar 2012-11-14 21:31

Ah, I was not aware that these features are provided by a plugin.

I use Jens Lody's Debian repository to keep C::B up-to-date. I noticed that the SmartIndent plugins in /usr/lib/codeblocks/plugins all have a .do_not_load extension. Not sure why they're being renamed when installing the codeblocks-contrib package (by the postinst script, apparently), but manually renaming them back to their right names fixes the problem.