Bug #18736 2012-09-22 08:12
ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'.
Version: svn build rev 8401 (2012-09-22 00:39:03) gcc 4.5.4 Linux/unicode - 64 bit URL: svn://svn.berlios.de/codeblocks/trunk Basis des Projektarchivs: svn://svn.berlios.de/codeblocks UUID des Projektarchivs: 98b59c6a-2706-0410-b7d6-d2fa1a1880c9 Revision: 8401 Knotentyp: Verzeichnis Plan: normal Letzter Autor: tpetrov Letzte geänderte Rev: 8401 Letztes Änderungsdatum: 2012-09-22 00:39:03 +0200 (Sa, 22. Sep 2012) Platform: Gentoo kernel 3.4.10 gcc 4.5.4 CodeComplettion check box in Settings/Editor/CodeCompletion is disabled. Codeblocks mostly crashes or hangs unlimited until processtermination if i open the attached cpp file. On the commandline appears permanently the following line ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. ReadClsNames() : Unexpected token '>'. CodeCompletetion is already disabled after i found this forum post: http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php?topic=16466.30 Its for 8059 .. but nevertheless i disabled codecomplettion If i completly disable code completion by disabling the pkugin in "Plugin/Manage Plugins ..." i can load that file. I think this prooves that the bug is located inside the code completion plugin. Best Regards and keep up the good work ;) Georg cpp-file ---------------------- /*************************************************************** * Name: client-connection.cpp **************************************************************/ #define FUSION_MAX_VECTOR_SIZE 20 #define BOOST_MPL_CFG_NO_PREPROCESSED_HEADERS #define BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_VECTOR_SIZE 30 #define BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_MAP_SIZE 30 #include "client-connection.h" #include "serialize.h" #include "event-dispatcher.h" #include "logger.h" #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> #include <boost/bind.hpp> // front- and back-end #include <boost/msm/back/state_machine.hpp> #include <boost/msm/front/state_machine_def.hpp> #define NR_OF_THREADS 1 namespace msm = boost::msm; namespace mpl = boost::mpl; class ClientProtocolImpl { public: ClientProtocolImpl(ClientConnection::WeakPtr p_client_connection, ClientWarRoom::WeakPtr p_war_room, std::string username, std::string password) : mp_client_connection(p_client_connection) { mp_sm.reset(new SP(this, p_war_room, username, password)); mp_sm->start(); } bool SendData(SerializeableObjectBase::SharedPtr p_data) { ClientConnection::SharedPtr p_client_connection = mp_client_connection.lock(); if (p_client_connection) { p_client_connection->SendData(p_data); return true; } return false; } template <class Event> void process_event(Event evt) { mp_sm->process_event(evt); } template <class Flag> bool is_flag_active() { return mp_sm->is_flag_active<Flag>(); } // flags struct FlagAllOk {}; typedef mpl::vector1<FlagAllOk> flag_list; // our war room data objects are events too. // they signal a incoming object of that type // Socket successully conencted struct EvConnected {}; // Somwone wants to send data to the client struct EvSendData { EvSendData(SerializeableObjectBase::SharedPtr p_data) { mp_data = p_data; } SerializeableObjectBase::SharedPtr mp_data; }; // data was successfully written to the client struct EvDataWritten {}; private: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // We need to handle the state of the stream by a statemachine // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // define the front end // front-end: define the FSM structure struct ClientProtocolFrontEnd : public msm::front::state_machine_def<ClientProtocolFrontEnd> { ClientProtocolFrontEnd(ClientProtocolImpl* p_parent, ClientWarRoom::WeakPtr p_war_room, std::string username, std::string password) : m_username(username), m_password(password), mp_parent(p_parent) { } // data from the constructor std::string m_username; std::string m_password; // data of the state machine ClientProtocolImpl* mp_parent; ClientWarRoom::WeakPtr mp_war_room; // error message. If != "" it indicates that there was an error // and the statemachin terminates std::string ms_error; // temporary data for sending to the client SerializeableObjectBase::SharedPtr mp_temp_write_data; // The list of FSM states // Authentication states struct NotConnected : public msm::front::state<> { typedef mpl::vector<EvSendData> deferred_events; }; struct SendPassword : public msm::front::state<> { typedef mpl::vector<EvSendData> deferred_events; template <class Event, class Fsm> void on_entry(const Event&, Fsm& fsm) { TRACE("ClientProtocolFrontEnd::SendPassword"); // send Password ProtocolPassword::SharedPtr p_password; p_password.reset(new ProtocolPassword(fsm.m_password)); fsm.mp_parent->SendData(p_password); } }; struct SendVersion : public msm::front::state<> { typedef mpl::vector<EvSendData> deferred_events; template <class Event, class Fsm> void on_entry(const Event&, Fsm& fsm) { TRACE("ClientProtocolFrontEnd::SendVersion"); // send Version ProtocolVersion::SharedPtr p_version; p_version.reset(new ProtocolVersion); p_version->m_version = ConnectionInterface::version; fsm.mp_parent->SendData(p_version); } }; struct SendUsername : public msm::front::state<> { typedef mpl::vector<EvSendData> deferred_events; template <class Event, class Fsm> void on_entry(const Event&, Fsm& fsm) { TRACE("ClientProtocolFrontEnd::SendUsername"); // send Version ProtocolUsername::SharedPtr p_username; p_username.reset(new ProtocolUsername); p_username->m_username = fsm.m_username; fsm.mp_parent->SendData(p_username); } }; struct WaitForTraffic : public msm::front::state<> { template <class Event, class Fsm> void on_entry(const Event&, Fsm& fsm) { TRACE("ClientProtocolFrontEnd::WaitForTraffic"); } }; // Receive data from server struct ServerLockedStream : public msm::front::state<> { typedef mpl::vector<EvSendData> deferred_events; template <class Event, class Fsm> void on_entry(const Event&, Fsm& fsm) { TRACE("ClientProtocolFrontEnd::ServerLockedStream"); } }; // Send data to server struct TryToLockStream : public msm::front::state<> { typedef mpl::vector<ProtocolTryStreamLock::SharedPtr> deferred_events; template <class Event, class Fsm> void on_entry(const Event& evt, Fsm& fsm) { TRACE("ClientProtocolFrontEnd::TryToLockStream"); // store data in fsm fsm.mp_temp_write_data = evt.mp_data; // send ProtocolTryStreamLock ProtocolTryStreamLock::SharedPtr p_msg; p_msg.reset(new ProtocolTryStreamLock); fsm.mp_parent->SendData(p_msg); } }; struct ClientLockedStream : public msm::front::state<> { typedef mpl::vector<ProtocolTryStreamLock::SharedPtr> deferred_events; template <class Event, class Fsm> void on_entry(const Event&, Fsm& fsm) { TRACE("ClientProtocolFrontEnd::ClientLockedStream"); // send DataObjectBase fsm.mp_parent->SendData(fsm.mp_temp_write_data); } }; struct TryToUnlockStream : public msm::front::state<> { typedef mpl::vector<ProtocolTryStreamLock::SharedPtr> deferred_events; template <class Event, class Fsm> void on_entry(const Event&, Fsm& fsm) { TRACE("ClientProtocolFrontEnd::TryToUnlockStream"); // send ProtocolTryStreamUnlock ProtocolTryStreamUnlock::SharedPtr p_data; p_data.reset(new ProtocolTryStreamUnlock); fsm.mp_parent->SendData(p_data); } }; // orthogonal region // this state is also made terminal so that all the events are blocked struct AllOk : public msm::front::state<> { typedef mpl::vector1<FlagAllOk> flag_list; }; struct ErrorMode : public msm::front::terminate_state<> // ErrorMode terminates the state machine { template <class Event, class Fsm> void on_entry(const Event&, Fsm& fsm) { TRACE("---!!!ClientProtocolFrontEnd::ErrorMode!!!---"); // send DataObjectBase fsm.mp_parent->SendData(fsm.mp_temp_write_data); } }; // the initial state of the SM. Must be defined typedef mpl::vector<NotConnected, AllOk> initial_state; // transition actions void UpdateWarRoom(const ProtocolDataCarrier::SharedPtr& evt) { TRACE("ClientProtocolFrontEnd::UpdateWarRoom"); // try to lock war room ClientWarRoom::SharedPtr p_war_room = mp_war_room.lock(); if (p_war_room) { p_war_room->Update(evt->mp_data); } } template <class Event> void SendStreamStatusUnlocked(const Event& ) { TRACE("ClientProtocolFrontEnd::SendStreamStatusUnlocked"); // send ProtocolStreamLockStatus: Unlocked ProtocolStreamLockStatus::SharedPtr p_status; p_status.reset(new ProtocolStreamLockStatus); p_status->mb_ok = false; mp_parent->SendData(p_status); } // guard conditions bool IsStreamLockOk(const ProtocolStreamLockStatus::SharedPtr& p_evt) { // Signal the anonymous transistion, that there is an error if (!p_evt->mb_ok) { ms_error = "IsStreamLockOk(): Stream not Locked!"; } return p_evt->mb_ok; } bool IsStreamLockNOk(const ProtocolStreamLockStatus::SharedPtr& p_evt) { if (p_evt->mb_ok) { ms_error = "IsStreamLockNOk(): Stream not Unlocked!"; } return !p_evt->mb_ok; } bool IsErrorActive(const msm::front::none&) { return ms_error != ""; } // enable defered events typedef int activate_deferred_events; // Transition table for Protocol typedef ClientProtocolFrontEnd fe; // makes transition table cleaner struct transition_table : mpl::vector< // Start Event Next Action Guard // +---------------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+----------------------+ // Authentication _row < NotConnected , EvConnected , SendPassword >, _row < SendPassword , EvDataWritten , SendVersion >, _row < SendVersion , EvDataWritten , SendUsername >, _row < SendUsername , EvDataWritten , WaitForTraffic >, // +---------------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+----------------------+ // What action next? _row < WaitForTraffic , ProtocolTryStreamLock::SharedPtr , ServerLockedStream >, _row < WaitForTraffic , EvSendData , TryToLockStream >, // +---------------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+----------------------+ // ServerLockedStream a_irow < ServerLockedStream , ProtocolDataCarrier::SharedPtr , &fe::UpdateWarRoom >, a_row < ServerLockedStream , ProtocolTryStreamUnlock::SharedPtr , WaitForTraffic , &fe::SendStreamStatusUnlocked >, // +---------------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+----------------------+ // Client lock Stream g_row < TryToLockStream , ProtocolStreamLockStatus::SharedPtr , ClientLockedStream , &fe::IsStreamLockOk >, _row < ClientLockedStream , EvDataWritten , TryToUnlockStream >, g_row < TryToUnlockStream , ProtocolStreamLockStatus::SharedPtr , WaitForTraffic , &fe::IsStreamLockNOk>, // +---------------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+----------------------+ g_row < AllOk , msm::front::none , ErrorMode , &fe::IsErrorActive > // +---------------------+--------------------------------------------+----------------------+-------------------------+----------------------+ > {}; // Replaces the default no-transition response. template <class FSM,class Event> void no_transition(Event const& e, FSM&,int state) { std::cerr << "ClientConnection: NoTransition: " << typeid(e).name() << std::endl; } }; // Protocol implementation typedef msm::back::state_machine<ClientProtocolFrontEnd> SP; ClientConnection::WeakPtr mp_client_connection; boost::shared_ptr<SP> mp_sm; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // The connection between socket and protocol // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ClientConnection::ClientConnection(std::string address, std::string port, std::string username, std::string password, ClientWarRoom::WeakPtr p_war_room) : m_address(address), m_port(port), m_username(username), m_password(password), mp_war_room(p_war_room), m_socket(m_io), m_resolver(m_io), m_strand(m_io) { } ClientConnection::~ClientConnection() { if (m_threads.size() > 0) { // stop the io service m_io.stop(); // join all threads m_threads.join_all(); } } void ClientConnection::Start() { lock lk(m_monitor); TRACE("ClientConnection::Start"); mp_client_protocol.reset(new ClientProtocolImpl(shared_from_this(), mp_war_room, m_username, m_password)); start_resolve(); // start thread group for (int i = 0; i < NR_OF_THREADS; ++i) { m_threads.create_thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, boost::ref(m_io))); } } // send a item to the server void ClientConnection::Send(SerializeableObjectBase::SharedPtr p_item) { lock lk(m_monitor); TRACE("ClientConnection::Send(SerializeableObjectBase::SharedPtr p_item)"); mp_client_protocol->process_event(ClientProtocolImpl::EvSendData(p_item)); } // Get the socket associated with the connection. boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket& ClientConnection::GetSocket() { return m_socket; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Resolve // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientConnection::start_resolve() { TRACE("ClientConnection::start_resolve"); // Start an asynchronous resolve to translate the server and service names // into a list of endpoints. boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query query(m_address, m_port); m_resolver.async_resolve(query, m_strand.wrap( boost::bind(&ClientConnection::handle_resolve, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::iterator))); } void ClientConnection::handle_resolve(const boost::system::error_code& e, boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator) { TRACE("ClientConnection::handle_resolve"); if (!e) { // Attempt a connection to each endpoint in the list until we // successfully establish a connection. boost::asio::async_connect(m_socket, endpoint_iterator, m_strand.wrap( boost::bind(&ClientConnection::handle_connect, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error))); } else { // Error occured -> disconnect // Initiate graceful connection closure. boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; m_socket.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ignored_ec); } } void ClientConnection::handle_connect(const boost::system::error_code& e) { TRACE("ClientConnection::handle_connect"); if (!e) { mp_client_protocol->process_event(ClientProtocolImpl::EvConnected()); start_read_header(); } else { // Error occured -> disconnect // Initiate graceful connection closure. boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; m_socket.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ignored_ec); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle the incoming data // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClientConnection::start_read_header() { TRACE("ClientConnection::start_read_header"); // begin to read the header m_incoming_header = std::vector<char>(ConnectionInterface::header_length); boost::asio::async_read(m_socket, boost::asio::buffer(m_incoming_header), m_strand.wrap(boost::bind( &ClientConnection::handle_read_header, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred))); } void ClientConnection::handle_read_header(const boost::system::error_code& e, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { TRACE("ClientConnection::handle_read_header"); if (!e) { // begin to read the body size_t body_length = DecodeHeader(m_incoming_header); m_incoming_body = std::vector<char>(body_length); boost::asio::async_read(m_socket, boost::asio::buffer(m_incoming_body), m_strand.wrap(boost::bind( &ClientConnection::handle_read_body, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred))); } else { // Error occured -> disconnect // Initiate graceful connection closure. boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; m_socket.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ignored_ec); } } void ClientConnection::handle_read_body(const boost::system::error_code& e, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { TRACE("ClientConnection::handle_read_body"); if (!e) { // parse the buffer for the protocol SerializeableObjectBase::SharedPtr result = deserialize(m_incoming_body); // send this packet to the server protocol ProtocolEventDispatcher<ClientProtocolImpl> dispatcher(mp_client_protocol.get()); result->Accept(&dispatcher); //if there was no error, wait for new packets if (mp_client_protocol->is_flag_active<ClientProtocolImpl::FlagAllOk>()) { start_read_header(); } } else { // Error occured -> disconnect // Initiate graceful connection closure. boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; m_socket.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ignored_ec); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle write of a item to the servers // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // access to the socket for the implementation void ClientConnection::SendData(SerializeableObjectBase::SharedPtr p_data) { TRACE("ClientConnection::SendData"); // only called from the state machine // serialize the result m_outgoing_body = serialize(p_data); m_outgoing_header = EncodeHeader(m_outgoing_body); // ok, simply send the header boost::asio::async_write(m_socket, ToBuffers(m_outgoing_header, m_outgoing_body), m_strand.wrap(boost::bind(&ClientConnection::handle_write, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error))); } void ClientConnection::handle_write(const boost::system::error_code& e) { TRACE("ClientConnection::handle_write"); if (!e) { // signal the protocol, that the data was written mp_client_protocol->process_event(ClientProtocolImpl::EvDataWritten()); } else { // Error occured -> disconnect // Initiate graceful connection closure. boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; m_socket.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ignored_ec); } } ----------------------
- Category
- Plugin::CodeCompletion
- Group
- Platform:Linux
- Status
- Closed
- Close date
- 2012-10-11 12:39
- Assigned to
- mortenmacfly
mortenmacfly 2012-09-22 14:23
Can you try to extract a minimal example by stripping the code? w/o the rest a lot of #includes cannot be resolved, the CC stuff is missing important components therefore and it parses just fine.
Please try to remove #includes / methods step-by-step to track down what the actual root cause is.
schorsch_76 2012-09-23 07:39
i did a debug rebuild.and update to 8405 After that i could not reproduce this behaviour. I hope this is not a debug/release issue...
mortenmacfly 2012-10-11 12:39
Cannot reproduce.