Bug #18716 2012-08-29 18:55


Code::Blocks no long performs command substitution with ``

Code::Blocks recently started ignoring compiler and linker options such as the following one:

`pkg-config cairomm-1.0 --cflags`

No substitution is performed and the option is simply ignored, but it used to work in the past.

Close date
2012-09-04 06:21
Assigned to
jenslody 2012-08-30 07:36

Works fine here.

In which version of C::B do you recognize the issue ?

Does the command work in a console ?

If there are any errors it might expand to nothing.

alpha0010 2012-09-03 00:10

Revision 8242 moved (but did not modify) the location of ExpandBackticks(), so it may be related.

However, backticks still work on my computer.

athar 2012-09-04 01:20

I'm pretty sure I was already using svn 8275. However, I can no longer reproduce it either. The same project that failed building a few days ago now builds fine with the backticks.

The commands were working in a console, because I added their output manually to the compiler flags afterwards.

I'm a little confused, but I suppose the issue is resolved.

Sorry for the trouble.

jenslody 2012-09-04 06:21

I close this bug now, if it comes back, feel frre to reopen it.

Thanks for the feedback.
