Bug #18692 2012-08-01 03:30


Weird localized instablities with wxSmith

wxSmith crashes if I try to add a bitmap button to a window; if, however, the management pane is showing another tab than "Resources", this does not happen, but when I return to the "Resources" tab it crashes again.

It crashes in this situation if I try to close the wxs file, and in general it crashes if I close a wxs file that has focus; if I am editing something else and close the wxs file without restoring focus to it, it doesn't crash (unless I have recently added a bitmap file to it).

I am running codeblocks SVN 8164 under Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits, with the default toochain and wxWidgets libs. The 10.5 release did not show this behaviour.

I have some xml crash reports, if anyone's interested.

I would appreciate any heads up on this, it is driving me crazy...

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mortenmacfly 2012-08-07 05:02

Works fine here?!

Can you explain the exact (!) steps to reproduce, please. I.e. start with "Create wxWidgets project using the wizard..." or alike.

kencamargo 2012-08-07 13:29

1. Create wxWidgets 2.8 dialog-based project using the wizard;

2. Open the dialog with the window editor (wxSmith);

3. Add a bitmap button anywhere in the dialog;

4. BANG!


1. Open any project;

2. Select any resource and open it with the window editor;

3. Close the window editor;

4. BANG!