Bug #18512 2012-02-26 18:50


Code::Blocks responsiveness detoriates over time

The longer I use C::B, the more sluggish it becomes. It usually reaches its peak after 1-2 hours, always leading to a crash in the end. In case it is important, I see the report window only for a fraction of a second (if at all) before C::B terminates.

The report is still created, though.

Here is one from an earlier svn version (recent ones don't seem to include a call stack in the report):


IIRC, the last function was not always wxWindowDC::wxWindowDC, but wxComboBox::GetCount() in earlier versions. I don't have a report from that time, unfortunately (perhaps it isn't relevant anyway).

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kaimast 2012-02-28 22:19

I've exactly the same problem with all versions for..years i think.

I'm on the latest version of Ubuntu 64bit.

athar 2012-05-13 14:54

I use Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit.

Sometimes, instead of Code::Blocks crashing at the end, the theme "crashes", for a lack of a better term. The default Ubuntu theme is replaced by a simple grey theme (and not just for Code::Blocks) until you reboot.

The crashes and theme changes are triggered when an autocomplete window is being displayed.

As a guess, does C::B/wxWidgets use up some sort of resources (like creating windows without ever destroying them)?

kalith 2012-05-17 17:28

I have the exact same problem. I posted something on the forums... about one year ago !

See : http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php?topic=12164.0

athar 2013-05-07 10:13

For the record, this no longer happens with latest svn and Ubuntu 12.10. Not sure whether it's due to fixes in C::B or in the environment (e.g. wxWidgets), but it's fixed for me.