Bug #18192 2011-06-30 11:54


context menu key doesn't show context menu

Select a workspace/project/file under the projects tab in the management window, right click with mouse gives context menu.

Now, select any of these with mouse and press context menu button on keyboard (menu key near to right windows or right alt). Nothing happens.

Same applies if you select tab with mouse, no context menu with key. (in both the management window, and also if you select a tab in the file editing window). The tab has keyboard focus, but this key doesn't do anything.

same problem in symbols and resources windows/tabs.

it works ok in the files window.

I would expect the context menu to appear in these case.

Close date
Assigned to
kevthacker 2011-06-30 11:55

build tested:

svn 7178

jun 2 2011, 22:29:12 - wx2.8.12 (windows, unicode) 32-bit.