Bug #18169 2011-06-12 14:00


Global Functions list incomplete


I am very happy with the overall performance of Code::Blocks and have been using it successfully to modify and rebuild some plugins I've written in C using Dev-cpp.

However, I have noticed one oddity regarding the Global Function list - it doesn't show the full set of functions that are present in the source code file - even after I've done a "Refresh Tree". Both Dev-cpp and Eclipse CDT show the complete list of functions when the same source code file is loaded, so it's either a deficiency in Code::Blocks or I have failed to set up or do something correctly.

Another, and perhaps related, issue that I'm having is that when I right-click on a function call and choose either of the options "Find declaration of:<some-function>" or "Find implementation of:<some-function>" I get the "Not found" warning pop up. Note that only "Find occurences of:<some-function>" works out of all the options available, presumably, because that is just a straight forward string search.

Any help and advise would be gratefully received.

Kind regards,


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Assigned to
iretep 2011-06-12 14:11

The text of this bug report is a copy of the post I submitted in the help forum. However, given that I've spent a lot of time trying unsuccessfully to resolve the issue by attempting to set various options in the project setup and so on, leads me to believe that this is a possible bug in Code::Blocks, especiall when Dev-cpp and Eclipse CDT "out of the box" both list all the function correctly.

BTW, I am running the latest nightly SVN 7075 CB on a Windows 64-bit machine.

