Bug #17435 2010-08-16 20:21


Mac OSX 10.6.4 -- CB 10.05 -- Buggy keyboard

The keyboard is completely buggy. For example, pressing 'f' anywhere in a source file is interpreted as Command key + f, opening the 'find' tool. To get 'f' I have to press Command key + f. However, I can't get a space either by pressing the space bar or Command key + press bar.

Totally unusable.

Close date
2010-09-12 20:49
Assigned to
afb 2010-08-18 11:07

Disable the "keybinder" plugin.

skraiten 2010-09-12 05:06

go to plugins and disable the keyboard plugin

skraiten 2010-09-12 05:07

go to plugins and disable the keyboard plugin

afb 2010-09-12 20:49

Fixed in p1 release. http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/26#mac

For existing installs you might need to delete the "~/Library/Application\ Support/CodeBlocks/cbKeyBinder10.ini" file, with the old keybindings.