Bug #17341 2010-07-07 23:33


"Find declaration of" can open wrong files

I work on two separate code projects in C::B, usually only one at a time. Several files from project A are used in project B, but each project has isolated source folders.

If I have project A as the only project open, open project B, perform something like "Search in Files" in project B (which was made active when I opened the project), close project B, right click on a function name in a source file in project A and select "Find declaration of ...", it opens a file from project B's source path, even though it is defined in project A's files, even though project A is the only project open.

"Find implementation of" is probably plagued by this same bug. I've run into this problem a few times and often have to restart CodeBlocks just to make sure it doesn't bring up the wrong files when I use the find declaration/implementation features, which are otherwise very useful to have.

Close date
2010-10-19 11:26
Assigned to
raynebc 2010-07-07 23:35

This is in CodeBlocks 8.02, running in Windows XP Pro x64.

athar 2010-07-10 05:44

There's no point reporting bugs in old versions, so you should make sure it happens in the 10.05 version as well.

raynebc 2010-07-10 06:40

My apologies. I could have sworn I checked that I was running the latest release, but apparently I wasn't.

ollydbg 2010-08-07 08:45

I guess this bug has already fixed in cc_branch.

loaden 2010-10-19 11:25

Fixed in cc branch.