Bug #17250 2010-06-13 15:44


Ctrl+Tab in Manager crashes CodeBlocks


CodeBlocks 10.05

I've held Ctrl+Tab while having a focus in the Manager, which crashes CB.

Not a big issue because this bug only seems to happen on a fresh instance of CB, without any projects loaded.

Close date
2011-04-21 23:14
Assigned to
andrej08 2010-06-14 13:42

Update: I can't reproduce the bug when I build v10.05 myself. The original bug was referring to the binary from the website.

andrej08 2010-06-14 21:51

Update: It looks like the Project Manager crashes if it detects a keypress while it's active and while there are no projects opened yet.

On line 2867 in file 'sources/sdk/projectmanager.cpp' there's this call:

Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->GetActiveProject()->GetCurrentlyCompilingTarget() == 0

It looks like the KeyBinder plugin fetches a key sequence if it's already binded to a command. So in this case if CTRL+W was linked to a command, KeyBinder would fetch it, not the Project Manager.

But if KeyBinder doesn't recognize the key sequence, the Project Manager attempts to fetch the key sequence and calls "GetCurrentlyCompilingTarget()", and since there's no opened project yet my guess is some uninitialized pointer gets accessed.

The debugger reports a segfault.

I'm new to CB so I hope this helps in some way.

tpetrov 2011-04-21 23:14

Seems this is fixed in r6957.

Thank you for the report