Bug #17124 2010-05-02 17:10


Highlight line under caret: Wrong background highlight color

Using build 6205, but it seems that this bug existed long before:

When Editor Option "Highlight line under caret" is set, the background color used for highlighting the active line is not that defined for the current language (in "Syntax highlighting / Active" ) but that for the C language definition for "Syntax highlighting / Active". The foreground color is not that for C, though, but (rightly) that for the current language.

As a result, if the C language is defined with a dark background and a light gray foreground, and a non-C file is edited (using the default white background and black foreground), this results in the active line being unreadable (black characters over a dark blue background).

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Assigned to
filofel 2010-05-02 17:16

Additional info: Running under Ubuntu - not tested under Windows

filofel 2010-05-02 17:21


"Syntax highlighting / Active"

should read

"Syntax highlighting / Active Line"