Bug #17097 2010-04-16 12:46


Manager panel incorrect behaviour

Once the recently added option "Show close on all tabs" from the "Notebook Appearance" settings is checked, the project manager panel also obeys to this setting, and the user may close either of the "Projects", "Symbols" or the "Resources" tab.

Not only is this behaviour incorrect, since there is no way to bring them back once closed, nor does the application expect this to ever happen, but Code::Blocks can easily crash whenever an event that would update any of the missing tabs is triggered.

The option should explicitly exclude the Manager tabs. Or any core plugin essential tabs, for that matter.

Confirmed under Windows, with svn revision 6202, built using wxWidgets 2.8.10 and MinGW-TDM 4.4.1-2.

Workaround: Uncheck "Show close on all tabs".

How to reproduce a crash:

1) Start C::B with the mentioned "Show close on all tabs" option turned on.

2) Close the "Projects" tab. Open a recently opened project. C::B will crash.


2) Close any Manager tab. Close C::B. It will crash on shutdown.

Close date
2010-05-01 08:45
Assigned to
jenslody 2010-05-01 08:45

This bug is now fixed in HEAD.

Thank you for reporting it.