Bug #16682 2010-01-20 05:08


Changing project from static to sharedlib breaks prefix_auto

How to repeat/description:

0.) Create a new static library project and build it, note the `libfoo.a` was created.

1.) Go to properties -> build targets, and change it to dynamic library

3.) Output file should display `/path/foo.so`; feel free to delete the .so (e.g. make it /path/foo).

4.) Rebuild project, note that foo.so rather then libfoo.so was built.


Test environment was a build of rev6089 running on FreeBSD; should (hopefully) be repeatable on other unix like systems. I tested with creating shared and static library projects to test, and changing things around, where applicable projects were created as `C` rather then C++.

In looking at the generated .cbp files, it looks like the projects created with shared library / saved in the IDE, generate `libfoo` in the project file. Where as the static library removes it. There must be a bug somewhere that gets the prefix used by prefix_auto wrong in this situation.

How I found this out: converting a few static libs to shared libs broke my projects gcc builds, since -lfoo refused to work with foo.so in place of libfoo.so \o/

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