Bug #15941 2009-06-29 11:41


On Linux, it's impossible to see long messages in the log

On Windows, if there is a long compilation error in the build log you can double click the little handle in the header to resize the column. On Linux this doesn't work, as a result you cannot scroll the window far enough to see the whole message. The workaround I've been using is to copy and paste the error into a text editor, but obviously, that's not ideal.

The wxListCtrl docs say the following:


bool SetColumnWidth(int col, int width)

Sets the column width.

width can be a width in pixels or wxLIST_AUTOSIZE (-1) or wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER (-2). wxLIST_AUTOSIZE will resize the column to the length of its longest item. wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER will resize the column to the length of the header (Win32) or 80 pixels (other platforms).

I believe that setColumnWidth(wxLIST_AUTOSIZE) should be called when new entries are added to the build log.

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kazade 2009-06-29 11:54
ollydbg 2009-07-06 11:48
coyotte508 2009-07-22 16:45

I think you can see them by changing the log tab you're looking at: instead of Build Message, look at Build Log