Bug #15924 2009-06-25 06:03


Code::Blocks need a CD to compile (with mingw)

Hello, :D

Okay,I'm under windows xp and I use C::B 8.02.

So ,my very strange problem is:[b]If I want compile,I need a CD in D:\[/b] (any CD,just A CD).

So,if I compile without cd,I have this windows message:

[quote]Title:Mingw32-g++.exe - No Disc[/quote]

[quote]There are no discc in the lector.Insert a disc in lector D:

Cancel | retry | continue


So ,this message reappear if I click in any button...it's infinite.

So,I need to insert a CD (any CD!(windows,battlefield2,...))...

Okay,this bug is for many people and it's randomly.

Cause it's not the configuration but Code::blocks or the compiler.

Close date
2009-07-12 15:50
Assigned to
ollydbg 2009-06-28 07:24

Quite strange!

But why not use a nightly build version. the 8.02 version is some sort too old.

Maybe, you should reinstall MinGW.

jenslody 2009-07-12 15:50

It's a packaging bug in the bundled MinGW see: http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/topic,8088.0.html