Bug #15882 2009-06-18 14:48


Syntax Highlighting/Theming Issues

Also described: http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/topic,10712.0.html

There are three issues:


You can't set a theme for "plain text", or things that don't have syntax highlighting. This makes it so even if you've set every format's syntax highlighting to be white text on black background, when you make a new empty file it shows up with black on white, as usual. There's no way to specify this.

This can be solved by creating a new type of syntax highlighting, call it "Plain Text", and give the following color options:

- caret (more on this below)

- foreground

- background

- active line

- selection


Currently, the caret's color is a global that is shared by all syntax highlighting schemes. This needs to be grouped with a particular language's syntax highlighting, or at least have the ability to override the global setting if need be. Currently, all your backgrounds need to be the same because say you have C++ themed white on black, so you give yourself a white cursor. Now, you open a new empty file (which will always be black on white, due to [1]) then you won't be able to see your cursor, as it's white.


Need to add the ability to set the colors for further keyword banks beyond 1 and 2 for each language. This is a very excellent feature that lets a user get the syntax highlighting _exactly_ how they want it. However, currently, you can only set the colors for keyword banks 1 and 2. ("Keyword" and "User Keyword" color options), yet there are several more banks. Should really make them all selectable.

With those 3 points resolved, the syntax highlighting in codeblocks will be perfect.

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