Bug #15773 2009-05-29 16:19


View menu logic seems incorrect

This is a minor point, but the logic on the View menu seems incorrect. The two options "Thread search" and "To-Do list" are not accepted unless the "Logs" option is checked.

Some alternatives:

(1) Force the "Logs" option to be checked if either "Thread search" or "To-Do list" is checked,

(2) Gray out or don't display the options if "Logs" is not checked,

(3) Put "Thread search" and "To-Do list" on a sub-menu of "Logs", where they actually act more like "radio buttons".

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cryogen 2010-03-24 07:40

Verified in SVN 6190. This is much harder than it sounds as the "Thread search" and "To-Do list" items are added by plug-ins. There doesn't seem to be an obvious way for either the IDE to know about and control the plugin menu items or for the plugins to control the log window.