Bug #15650 2009-05-07 11:34


F10 shortcut can't be used

Description: Is not possible to use F10 shortcut.

Build: Apr. 19, 2009 15:51:11 - wx 2.8.9

Code::Blocks 8.02

OS: Linux 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

User interface: KDE 4.2.2

Keyboard layouts disabled

Accessibility disabled


* Open Code::Blocks

* Settings >> Editor

* Keyboard shortcuts

* Change shortcut command: "Debug->Next Line", assign only F10

* Click Ok to save and close "Configure Editor" dialog

* Open a project, enter in debug mode and press F10


Expected: Advance to next line

Incorrect: File menu is open

Workaround tested (without success)

*Close Code::Blocks

*Delete all contents in ~/.codeblocks/cbKeyBinder10.ini

*Start Code::Blocks

*Press F10


The File menu is open

Hint: It may be hard-coded ???

Close date
Assigned to
ollydbg 2009-05-22 13:09

Hi, In Windows, I can use F10 for step.

crom 2009-05-24 11:20

Hello ollydbg.

I've specified in the bug that used O.S. is Kubuntu. Also I've specified that I've disabled keyboard layouts and accessibility, to be sure that reported issue is not part of operating system configuration.

As extra-tests I've checked if in other applications can use custom F10 and I can, so this is still Code::Blocks bug.

crom 2009-05-24 11:30

Hello ollydbg.

I've specified in the bug that used O.S. is Kubuntu. Also I've specified that I've disabled keyboard layouts and accessibility, to be sure that reported issue is not part of operating system configuration.

As extra-tests I've checked if in other applications can use custom F10 and I can, so this is still Code::Blocks bug.

ID_64970 2013-11-27 18:14

I can confirm this (4 1/2 year old) bug.