Bug #15446 2009-03-27 18:53


CodeSnippets gains focus on Mouse hover

In MS Windows, when moving the mouse over the CodeSnippets (wether docked or floating) it gains focus.

Moving the mouse around without clicking anywhere should not change the focus.

I believe this behaviour is optional on X Windows but not on MS Windows.

Close date
2009-05-26 19:06
Assigned to
pecan 2009-04-26 13:54

I'm unable to recreate this behaviour. Maybe you have focus Follows Mouse turn on in DragScroll ?

attention 2009-04-27 13:36

No there is no "Focus follows mouse..." or anything like that.

CodeSnippets window is the *only* one gaining focus without clicking on it.

When you move the mouse back let's say over the "Logs & others", it is not going to set the focus on them.

Here's an example.

1. Make CodeSnippets window visible

2. Put some text in the editor

3. Make sure the editor has focus (is cursor blinking)

4. While the cursor is blinking in editor move the mouse over the Logs - Build log - nothing happens

5. Continue moving the mouse over CodeSnippets window - it gains focus - bug!

Here's one more weird behaviour.

If CodeBlocks application does not have focus, *sometimes* moving the mouse over CodeSnippets will make CodeSnippets focused, but application still remains unfocused.

pecan 2009-05-26 19:03

I finally ran across the bug on my systems and fixed it in SVN 5611.

Thanks for the report.

pecan 2009-05-26 19:06

I finally ran across the bug on my systems and fixed it in SVN 5611.

Thanks for the report.