Bug #14526 2008-09-19 18:04


Breakpoints ignored in header code

SVN 5207 on Windows XP gdb 6.8

Debugger gdb does not stop on a breakpoint on inline code in a header file. I can 'Step into' the code from the calling statement, but breakpoints and cursor locations are ignored when I do a 'Continue' or 'Run to cursor' inside the function.

The following is a typical debugger log output when I set a breakpoint (on line 84) inside the function:

Setting breakpoints

Debugger name and version: GNU gdb 6.8

No source file named C:/Dev/libs/lib/inc/romberg.h in loaded symbols.

Breakpoint 2 ("C:/Dev/libs/lib/inc/romberg.h:84) pending.

Child process PID: 408

Program exited normally.

Debugger finished with status 0

Note the 'No source...in loaded symbols' statement.

Close date
2011-04-09 21:47
Assigned to
rhf 2008-10-03 23:31

I no longer believe this is a CodeBlocks bug! When I revert to an earlier mingw/gcc release, say MinGW-5.1.4.exe, CodeBlocks successfully sets and stops at the breakpoint in the header file.

When I use TDM's bundled installer 1.803.3, http://www.tdragon.net/recentgcc/

the problem re-occurs. Also, experimenting with the command line debugger with a simple example shows that something odd is going on with the way the new compiler handles backslashes in the source filename. (I can provide a simple procedure that demonstrates the problem if anyone is interested.)

tpetrov 2011-04-09 21:47

This seems like a gdb problem, if it is not please reopen the bug.