Bug #14424 2008-08-26 13:55


It is not possible to create .pdb file in Release version.

Compiler: MS VS 2005, your application assumes, that the following options:



/DEBUG (linker)

Always come together. These options create DEBUG version of application and additional .pdb file that contains debug symbols used to debug application. In CB those three parameters ALYWAYS come together. Is is not possible to use them separately.

Our application uses crash dump functionality and creates .dmp files used to find the reason of a crash (they still occure although we try to remove all of them). Our client has to get a RELEASE version of our application, but we have to store .pdb file that are needed to interprete .dmp files. It can be done by passing /Zi option to compiler and /DEBUG to linker, but _DEBUG macro cannot be defined as it tells Windows API to use debug versions of - for example - memory allocating functions.

So it is possible to create release version, but with .pdb files. But your application does not allow this option.

Szymon Wieloch

Wind Mobile Company


Close date
2009-04-21 16:01
Assigned to
biplab 2009-04-21 16:01

This bug is now fixed in HEAD.

Thank you for reporting it.