Bug #13988 2008-06-08 14:37


hidden state of undocked windows not saved

If a layout with an undocked windows was saved (either automatically on close or manually) and the undocked window gets closed, C::B does not recognize the change of the layout, that means the "layout changed"-dialog does not pop up on close.

The next time C::B is opened the closed undocked window is open again.

This happens, because the function that checks for changes does not look at the "state=" parameter of the layouts, because it also reflects if the window is active or not and that leads to popping up the "layout changed"-dialog even if nothing changed substantially.

I will submit a patch, that changed that behaviour. So that the function also checks the "state=" parameter, but checks only the flag that saves the windows hidden/shown state.

Close date
2008-07-11 14:51
Assigned to
jenslody 2008-06-08 14:39

Patch ID is #2491

mortenmacfly 2008-07-11 14:51

Fixed by applying patch #2491, thanks jens.