Bug #13972 2008-06-07 11:13


Can't switch frame

I have a program that crashes. The crash is cause by an assert that fails. Here is an example:

///// this is an excerpt from simple app created by the wx wizzard.

///// I've added the TestFunc member that fails

> void wxTestApp::TestFunc()

> {

> assert(false);

> }


> bool wxTestApp::OnInit()

> {

> TestFunc();


> //(*AppInitialize

> bool wxsOK = true;

> ......... more code here


When I run the program with the debugger is catches the signal, and the active frame is at the assert. If I try to switch the frame to the caller of the TestFunc the OnInit function, nothing happens, the frame is restored at the assert line.

This problem made the debugging process impossible.

When there is no crash the switch frame option works as expected.

I'm using c::b from svn rev 5089 on gentoo linux amd64 system

Good luck,

Teodor Petrov

Close date
2011-03-13 19:58
Assigned to
tpetrov 2008-07-19 19:41

This bug happens only when the option "compiler and debugger settings -> debugger settings -> when stopping, auto-switch to first frame with valid source info" is enabled

tpetrov 2011-03-13 19:57

Fixed in debugger's branch