Bug #12727 2007-12-16 14:46


Reload dialog is too small

When a file is externally modified, it happens that the Reload dialog buttons are partially hidden.

In my case, button labels are completely hidden.

Close date
2008-01-10 11:19
Assigned to
dje 2007-12-16 14:50


Ubuntu 7.04

wxWidgets 2.8.7

dermeister 2007-12-22 18:06

I can't reproduce this with revision 4742 and wxWidgets 2.8.6 on gentoo Linux.

Do you have an special settings for your X-Server or window manager that may influence the font size or other elements?

dje 2008-01-03 22:07

I rebuilt C::B at rev 4751 on Ubuntu 7.10, wxWidgets 2.8.7.

The problem is still there.

To reproduce it, you just have to modify a file externally with a long path (more than one line in the box).

As a result all is shifted down but window is not resized.

As I am quite a newbie on linux, I don't even know how to change the window manager settings !

mandrav 2008-01-10 11:19

This bug is now fixed in HEAD.

Thank you for reporting it.