Bug #12617 2007-12-04 19:19


100% cpu bug ! /inifinite loop?

hi i found a 100% cpu bug on windows.

When i compiled a fresh svn build for mysel (today about ref 4700) i noticed that my CPU went to 100% if i would open first ContribPlugins.workspace and than into this workspace the CodeBlocks.cbp project (i alway open both to compile everything in a batch).

This doesn't occur if i only open the CodeBlocks.cbp or the workspace alone.

Because I can still use codeblocks its not that big of a deal ^^ but i guess its kindy not enviroment friendly to leaf the cpu at 100% all the time (and not battery friendly on my notebook where I noticed this bug).

Close date
2007-12-17 14:08
Assigned to
boscowitch 2007-12-06 15:13

hmm srry guis i think i figured it out, it is because of the code completion ... on my slow laptop (1,7Ghr) it really takes verrrryy long with all these project in one workspace ^^

mortenmacfly 2007-12-17 14:08

According to your second statement this is not a bug. Closed.